Micro-Bonsai in the Making
Ficus benjamina (Weeping Fig)
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Liana's Bonsai Hints and Tips #9 - Late (almost Spring) Winter Care:

Less Water:
Turn off auto reticulation and water manually about once a week or fortnight, allow the deciduous Bonsai to stay moist but not wet (no leaves thus no photosynthesis thus no growth thus dormancy - water and bacteria can cause rot).

Time to stop now unless an evergreen Bonsai is showing signs of deficiency e.g. Lemon has yellow leaves.

Fungicide / insecticide application:
Spray or apply the powder to the foliage, branches and soil.  The aim is to kill the active pests and stop them creating a pest cycle (dormant and wake up when ready) in the soil.
Remove moss from trunks:
Moss looks great but causes bark to stay wet and rot, weakening the tree's main support mechanism. Use an old toothbrush and scrub it off, gently.  Keep an inch space around the tree trunk as a zone free of greenery.  Let the buttress and roots breathe.

Check on your Bonsai once a week:
Walk around and make sure they haven't fallen over, are receiving water from the sky and if evergreen are moist but not wet, and generally talk to them. 

Start new trees:
Late winter is a good time to start new trees - cuttings, seeds, grafting, layering - if you have the urge to make new trees or to start a forest and collect your own trees from cuttings, start preparing now with washing pots, buying seed raising mix and creating a little niche for your new baby tree nursery.

        Repot deciduous trees:
This is a very good time to repot deciduous trees, Australian Native trees, Olives and other hard wood trees and Fruiting Fig trees.  Avoid repotting Weeping Figs, conifers and sensitive trees unless absolutely necessary. And lastly, visit Liana at the Palmyra Western Farmers Market on any Sunday morning for a $10.00 Bonsai check up.
Good luck and above all, ENJOY your Bonsai and have some fun in winter....!


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